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Collaborative Possibilities Between Artists, Designers, and AI.
Agent of Change: How Ai Expands Human Creativity

Throughout our lives, we've been told that computers couldn't truly be creative. However, suddenly, millions are now using AI tools to generate previously unseen images, designs, music, and novels. With a paintbrush, pen, or conductor's baton in hand, artificial intelligence has become an engine of amazement.

So, how is AI altering the way we perceive and create art, and more importantly, how can we harness technology to push the boundaries of our creativity?

How AI Can Transform the Art and Design Sector 

AI has the power to enhance creativity and refine ideas, elevating the quality of raw concepts:

  • Opening new creative horizons: AI algorithms can produce novel music, images, and designs that might have been challenging or even impossible to create manually. AI knows no creative blocks or stereotypes; it isn't afraid to experiment or iterate. Although AI models become more restrained with each update, it's wise not to rely solely on the latest generative AI versions.
  • Automating repetitive tasks: AI saves time and enables specialists to focus on the more creative aspects of their work. For instance, instead of spending hours resizing images, designers can automate tasks and invest their time in more complex projects.
  • Enhancing precision: AI algorithms can analyse and edit images with great accuracy, improving the quality of the final project. This proves particularly valuable when specialists work on intricate projects. For instance, AI can effortlessly remove blemishes or correct colour balance when editing high-resolution photographs.
  • Predicting trends: Generative AI algorithms can analyse trend data and predict future developments. This helps specialists stay ahead of the curve, delivering projects that are more relevant and engaging to users.
  • Facilitating idea refinement: AI tools can address a crucial challenge in idea competitions by merging a large number of ideas to generate much stronger ones.
  • Creating new business models: AI can pave the way for innovative business models in the art and design sector, such as selling AI-generated artwork or licensing AI-powered design tools. This not only creates new revenue streams but also allows artists and designers to monetize their work in novel ways.

5 'Wow' AI Projects To Know About in the Creative Industry 

Artificial intelligence can create art on par with, or even surpassing, human creativity. In the near future, these astonishing feats will revolutionize the way we approach design across various domains. Here are some unexpected applications of artificial intelligence in the creative industry:

#1. Experiments with Style Transfer 

American artist and programmer Gene Kogan delves into AI Style Transfer, a technique where an algorithm transposes the style of one image onto the content of another. Kogan uses this technique to re-envision the tea party scene from Alice in Wonderland in the styles of Van Gogh, Georgia O'Keefe, Hokusai, Frida Kahlo, and more.

#2. The First AI-Generated Short Film 

Artist, creative technologist, data scientist, and writer Ross Goodwin collaborated with director Oscar Sharp to produce the first short film entirely written by AI. Goodwin utilised a neural network capable of crafting longer sentences and paragraphs. The AI creative tool was trained on numerous sci-fi screenplays and even composed the lyrics for the song "Home on the Land" featured in the film.

#3. TED Talk Script Created Exclusively by AI 

MIT-trained roboticist and artist Alexander Reben conducted experiments in human-machine collaboration. He developed an algorithm to analyse all TED Talk scripts and trained an AI to create its script titled "Five dollars can save the planet." For his presentation's images, Reben employed a separate AI algorithm to select relevant internet images based on the script's content, concluding with a unique cyborg performance.

#4. The First AI-Composed Pop Song 

YouTube star, singer, and content creator Taryn Southern delves into the convergence of emerging technology, storytelling, and human potential. Her groundbreaking work includes "I AM AI," the world's first solo album entirely composed and produced with AI assistance. Southern used an open-source AI platform called Amper Music for instrumentals while providing lyrics and vocals herself.

#5. 'The Perfect Fried Chicken' Campaign Created by AI 

Fried chicken was once a beloved dish among Thais, but its popularity waned over time. McDonald's aims to reignite the joy of fried chicken among all Thais with the new McFried Chicken. To cater to fried chicken enthusiasts, McDonald's and Leo Burnett Thailand sought AI recommendations by asking ChatGPT about the perfect fried chicken attributes: crispy, juicy, and tasty. Surprisingly, the attributes aligned with ChatGPT's suggestions, forming the basis for the marketing campaign, 'The Perfect Fried Chicken by AI,' launched in March 2023.

The increasing prominence of neural networks has instilled a sense of unease among creators, who fear that their roles will soon be entirely assumed by machines. However, it's essential to understand that AI art generators aren't competitors; they serve as valuable allies. They aid creators in thinking outside the conventional boundaries, acting as a catalyst for expanding the realms of imagination.

In a recent interview with The Verge, David Holtz, the founder of Midjourney AI platform, emphasised:

"What does it mean when computers are better at visual imagination than 99% of humans? That doesn't mean we will stop imagining. Cars are faster than humans, but that doesn't mean we stopped walking. When we're moving huge amounts of stuff over huge distances, we need engines, whether that’s airplanes or boats or cars. And we see this technology as an engine for the imagination."

Navigating the AI Creative Landscape 

Navigating the AI creative landscape requires careful consideration:

  • Experiment with various neural networks: Each AI interprets projects or requests uniquely. If one neural network doesn't inspire you with its results, another might.
  • Respect licensing terms: AI platform developers stipulate usage terms on their websites. While many allow commercial use of generated images, it's imperative to avoid copyright infringement.
  • Enhance AI-generated projects: Don't leave generated images in their raw state. Apply post-processing techniques in software like Photoshop to adjust colors, composition, add new elements, apply filters, create collages, and more.
  • Support artists: Many AI models utilise content from creators without permission, which raises ethical concerns. Developers should establish licensing agreements with creators and, ideally, provide them with royalties.

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